Features of Mathletic Duel

Combining Math with Physical Activity
Mathletic Duel is an innovative VR game that engages players in solving mathematical problems by punching numbered targets, while also battling in-game monsters. This unique blend provides an opportunity to exercise both the brain and the body simultaneously.
Suitable for All Ages
The game is highly effective for enhancing students' computational skills, addressing lack of physical activity, and providing anti-aging exercise for the brains and bodies of older adults, making it an ideal choice for players of all ages.
Progressively Challenging
Starting with simple Level 1 problems, Mathletic Duel allows players to gradually step into more challenging stages. As levels progress, math problems become more complex, requiring more punches to input answers. This not only enhances the fun of the game but also improves the players' computational and coordination skills.
Building Endurance and Computational Skills
Correct answers earn points, which are converted into player endurance. By solving more problems, players gain more flexibility in response time. This design not only improves players' problem-solving abilities but also enhances the game's longevity and the players' endurance.
Developing Confidence and Skills
As players progress in the game, they build confidence in their calculation abilities and punching techniques. Players can enhance their sense of self-achievement and accomplishment by practicing repeatedly and challenging themselves, ultimately clearing all levels of problems.

Mathletic Duelの特長

Mathletic Duelは革新的なVRゲームで、プレイヤーが数値のついたターゲットをパンチしながら数学の問題を解決し、ゲーム内のモンスターと戦います。このユニークな組み合わせは、脳と身体の同時トレーニングの機会を提供します。
レベル1の簡単な問題から始まり、Mathletic Duelはプレイヤーが徐々により挑戦的なステージへと進むことを可能にします。レベルが上がるにつれ、数学の問題は複雑になり、答えを入力するためのパンチの回数も増えます。これはゲームの楽しさを高めるだけでなく、プレイヤーの計算能力と身体協調性も向上させます。

Privacy Policy

Our VR game does not collect personal information such as name, email address, or device information from users. We may collect anonymous usage data to improve the VR game, but this data does not identify individual users. We do not share any data with third parties without your consent.



Terms of use

By using our VR game, you agree to comply with our terms and conditions. You may not use our VR game for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. We reserve the right to terminate your account without notice if you violate our terms and conditions. Our VR game is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and we do not guarantee that it will be error-free or uninterrupted.
Health precautions
Make sure you have enough space to move around and pay attention to your surroundings while playing VR games. Consult a physician before playing VR games, especially if you have a history of medical conditions that could be exacerbated by physical activity or flashing lights. If you experience any discomfort or nausea during gameplay, stop immediately and seek medical attention.
Safety precautions
Be aware of your surroundings and avoid obstacles while playing VR games. Take care not to hit or bump into objects or people around you while playing VR games. Let others around you know that you are playing a VR game and may not be aware of your surroundings.
Legal disclaimers
The developers and sellers of the VR games are not responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur as a result of failure to follow the safety precautions. The developers and sellers of the VR games are not responsible for any copyright infringement or other legal issues that may arise during gameplay.


VRゲームをプレイする際には、動き回れる十分なスペースを確保し、周囲に注意を払うようにしてください。 特に、運動や点滅する光によって悪化する可能性のある病歴のある方は、VRゲームをプレイする前に医師にご相談ください。 ゲームプレイ中に不快感や吐き気を感じた場合は、すぐに中止して医師の診察を受けてください。
VRゲームプレイ中は周囲に気を配り、障害物を避けてください。 VRゲームをプレイしているときに、周囲の物や人にぶつかったり、ぶつけられたりしないように気をつけましょう。 VRゲームをプレイしているため、周囲に気を配れない可能性があることを周囲の人に伝えてください。
安全上の注意に従わなかったことにより発生した怪我や事故について、VRゲームの開発者及び販売者は一切の責任を負いかねます。 VRゲームの開発者および販売者は、ゲームプレイ中に発生する可能性のある著作権侵害やその他の法的問題に対して責任を負いません。