REFLEX MASTER 360: Enhancing Spatial Awareness, Reflexes, and Physical Fitness

Enhancing Spatial Awareness and Reflexes
This application was developed with the aim of enhancing spatial awareness and improving the ability to recognize three-dimensional space, including the areas behind and above the user, by harnessing the full potential of VR technology. Unlike its predecessor, "REFLEX MASTER," this app features an innovative approach where the avatar is positioned in front of the user, enabling reflex training against objects approaching from all directions in a 360-degree environment.
Seamless Projection of Physical Senses onto the Avatar
By synchronizing the user's movements with the avatar, their physical senses seamlessly transfer to the virtual representation. The user is then prompted to touch the avatar in response to objects flying towards it from various angles, thus enhancing their perception of the space surrounding them, even when they are primarily focused on what lies ahead.
Diverse Weapons and Unconventional Body Movements
Furthermore, this application provides an array of five distinct weapons, each characterized by a unique shape, allowing users to interact with objects in diverse ways. This not only adds excitement and variety to the gameplay experience but also facilitates the development of unconventional body movements.
Improving Shoulder and Back Motor Functions
Moreover, one notable benefit of employing these weapons is the requirement to engage the shoulders and back muscles in significant movements to block objects approaching from behind. This deliberate action not only enhances reflexes but also promotes the improvement of shoulder and back motor functions. As users immerse themselves in the game, they can simultaneously work on strengthening these specific muscle groups.
An Engaging Experience for Spatial Recognition and Overall Physical Fitness
By incorporating these multifaceted elements, this application offers an engaging and stimulating experience that fosters spatial recognition, reflexes, and overall physical fitness.


このアプリケーションは、VR技術の全ての潜在能力を活用し、ユーザーの空間認識能力を高め、背面や上方を含む3次元空間を認識する能力を向上させることを目的として開発されました。従来の「REFLEX MASTER」とは異なり、このアプリではアバターがユーザーの前に配置され、360度の環境であらゆる方向から接近するオブジェクトに対する反射トレーニングが可能となっています。

Privacy Policy

Our VR game does not collect personal information such as name, email address, or device information from users. We may collect anonymous usage data to improve the VR game, but this data does not identify individual users. We do not share any data with third parties without your consent.



Terms of use

By using our VR game, you agree to comply with our terms and conditions. You may not use our VR game for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. We reserve the right to terminate your account without notice if you violate our terms and conditions. Our VR game is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and we do not guarantee that it will be error-free or uninterrupted.
Health precautions
Make sure you have enough space to move around and pay attention to your surroundings while playing VR games. Consult a physician before playing VR games, especially if you have a history of medical conditions that could be exacerbated by physical activity or flashing lights. If you experience any discomfort or nausea during gameplay, stop immediately and seek medical attention.
Safety precautions
Be aware of your surroundings and avoid obstacles while playing VR games. Take care not to hit or bump into objects or people around you while playing VR games. Let others around you know that you are playing a VR game and may not be aware of your surroundings.
Legal disclaimers
The developers and sellers of the VR games are not responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur as a result of failure to follow the safety precautions. The developers and sellers of the VR games are not responsible for any copyright infringement or other legal issues that may arise during gameplay.


VRゲームをプレイする際には、動き回れる十分なスペースを確保し、周囲に注意を払うようにしてください。 特に、運動や点滅する光によって悪化する可能性のある病歴のある方は、VRゲームをプレイする前に医師にご相談ください。 ゲームプレイ中に不快感や吐き気を感じた場合は、すぐに中止して医師の診察を受けてください。
VRゲームプレイ中は周囲に気を配り、障害物を避けてください。 VRゲームをプレイしているときに、周囲の物や人にぶつかったり、ぶつけられたりしないように気をつけましょう。 VRゲームをプレイしているため、周囲に気を配れない可能性があることを周囲の人に伝えてください。
安全上の注意に従わなかったことにより発生した怪我や事故について、VRゲームの開発者及び販売者は一切の責任を負いかねます。 VRゲームの開発者および販売者は、ゲームプレイ中に発生する可能性のある著作権侵害やその他の法的問題に対して責任を負いません。